Monday, June 2, 2014

New chickens

Well as time marches on our flock is aging.  We have decided to introduce some new hens to take the place of the ones that are getting too old.  We have lost three hens in the past month and the other hens are showing their signs of age as well.  Production is down and well..... as you know, their end is near. 

Here are a few of the new girls.  We were lucky enough to have our friend Kristin raise the babies in her brooder.  She passed on ten to us this weekend.  We have some Isa Browns, Easter Eggers, and a GIANT Jersey giant.  The babies that came to us have a week difference in their hatch dates so you can see a pretty big difference in the size in just a week (not counting our Jersey Giant who is just as giant as her name promises). 

The new babies will not be able to mingle with the other hens for quite a while so they are in a small run for now.  If you live in the neighborhood and want to stop by to meet the babies let us know, they sure are cute and we are trying to get them socialized so they come when we call them and they aren't afraid when we are in their space.

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