Saturday, October 17, 2009

Maisie the FireFighter

October is Fire Safety Month so the local volunteer fire department came to Maisie's school. Well besides the usual stuff there was something special this time.... A LADY FIREFIGHTER and SHE WORE A DRESS. Can you guess what Maisie now wants to be when she grows up? That is of course if the dolphin trainer modeling thing doesn't work out for her.

School Wide Hike

Today I spent the day with Ben and Sam on a school wide hike. It is an annual tradition at the school - all grades go together (K-5 about 140 kids). The younger kids do a shorter hike and everyone meets at the lake for lunch afterwords. The hike for the 2-5 graders was a little over 2.5 miles. It was amazing. Some kids did it without problem but some kids struggled. What was amazing was that no one quit. Parents and the teachers encouraged each and every kid to do it and they all did. What a day!

*As you can see the kids are making friends.
It does my heart good!