Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Next town over

Ben's Room

Ben's new room has three closets and each one is full of his stuff. Two of the closets have secret doors in them that lead to the attic. He has some more pictures that he would like me to add but the digital camera was running out of batteries. We'll update those tomorrow.
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Maisie's Room

Here is Maise's room - it is VERY messy every day all the time

She has some really cool things in this new room like Ben's old bunk beds, a closet with a shelf that she uses like a bunk bed, a closet with a secret door to the attic, a window seat that fits all of her stuffed animals including the giant bunny Dr Lee and a second door that leads to Ben's room.

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The kids' space

The upstairs is the kids space - at the top of the stairs is the book nook
Sam's room is finally unpacked
And even messy
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Grandpa and Grandma Visit

Our first visitors!!