Sunday, June 1, 2014

Pioneer Day

Well what would third grade in Illinois be without dressing up like the 1800s and making butter while you play the button game?  It's another school curriculum thing that my kids love and Maisie finally had her turn. 

15? YES 15!

15? Yes 15!

Our son is 15!  Where has the time gone?  Today he celebrated with his friends who are getting ready to move on from eighth grade with him and go on to the high school.  They had the best time ever and I haven't laughed like this in a long time.  Seven teenage boys have a sense of humor like nothing I've ever seen.  Ben has chosen some really cool friends to hang with!

Thanks to his awesome sisters for decorating his cake.  It rocks!!

So Proud!

In case you haven't seen it on FaceBook, here is a picture of Ben with one of his middle school teachers.  He won a Eagle Award at the middle school for achievement and character.  It is such a great honor and we are so proud of him!  We went to a beautiful ceremony at Cantigny and were able to meet the other ten families whose children won.  There are about 244 kids in their class so this was a very special night.  Thank you for all of your well wishes on FaceBook, I will print them for him to keep in his memory book from the night.