Monday, August 8, 2011

Pokemon Collection

Like each and every one of ourselves when we were twelve, Ben would like to be in the Guinness Book of World Records. He has decided it will be for the largest Pokemon collection ever amassed. According to the current record he is less than 1/8 of the way there but we find it pretty impressive and hope you do too!


The big kids have gone to NY and Maisie is on her own so we what are we doing????

Lego Land!!!

This is why we are never "bored" on summer vacation

Camp Invention inspired the kids to create a marble run out of recycled materials from our bin waiting to go out. It actually works and lasted for over a month until the humidity made all the tape pull apart. I'll try to post a video of it in action if I can figure out how :-)

Sammy and Maisie broke out the face paints for some clowning around one night. We are trying to figure out if Maisie looks funny or terrifying!

Spring Outdoor Ed

Ben's end of the year school field trip was a two day overnighter in Wisconsin. They had great weather, and lots of great memories from the trip!