Austin McNary is one of Ben's friends from Saxtons River, Vt. Sadly he is fighting for his life. He has Duchene's Muscular Dystrophy. DMD is a fatal disease that effects 1 in 3,600 boys
As of now there is no cure for DMD but families are holding out hope. A new drug has been introduced to a control group of boys that is making a difference. Austin's brother Max has had access to this drug and it has made a huge difference in stopping the progression of DMD. Austin did not have access to the drug's study since he is already wheelchair bound. There is a chance the FDA can fast track this drug but in order for it to happen there needs to be 10,000 more signatures on the petition for the FDA to consider it. Will you please sign the petition? If could be what makes the difference between life and death for a sweet, fun loving, kind 13 year old boy.
The site for the petition is:
Also is a letter that you can read, print, and sign.
Please do what you can to help support Jen and Craig McNary. Just like us, their children are the most important thing in their lives and they just want Austin to have a chance.