Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Scooby Dooby Doo

Where are you?
What character do you think Maisie is dressed as this week?

First Day of School 2011

Ben is at the Middle School
Sam is at her last year of Elementary School
Maisie is in First Grade
Mommy is a.l.o.n.e. all day long

School is coming!

More Vacation Shots

While summer vacation may be over, the pictures keep on coming....

Ahoy me matey... Sam is now know solely as THE CAPTAIN. It is a title that fits her well!

The girls got their ears pierced in Cleveland during our "girls day" extravaganza. We went to the mall and shopped till we dropped while John and Ben went to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. An awesome day was had by everyone!

That's right,.....BOB EVANS!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sight Seeing in Niagara Falls

Cave of the Winds - luckily we were warned about the hurricane deck and knew what to expect!

This looked so impressive we thought we'd get closer......
We were given yellow bags to put on to keep dry and bags to put our shoes in. They passed out sandals and sent us walking

and walking
OK, so now we see why we got the bags although they really didn't seem to help too much.....

Maid of the Mist equally impressive but slightly less wet
Fun times ahead, once again wearing the bags so we don't get too wet. Not sure that blue was any more effective but then, this is where we were headed.......

At the falls railing and observation deck

Lots of fun and lots of laughs at Niagara Falls USA

Niagara Falls at Night

We spent a night at the falls with the Hedgepeths. Becky took some beautiful pictures of the kids as well as the rest of us. It is so nice to finally be included in some family photos!

The Falls at nightSammy and Lydia

All of us at the railing enjoying the view.Laying on the lawn watching the most incredible fireworks over the falls!

Once again, a whole group of happy kids!


We spent a long weekend in western NY visiting friends who just moved from Chicago a few months ago - what a great time seeing them again! The kids had so much fun it was hard pulling them away on Monday. We can't wait for another visit next time we are rolling through.

Sammy and Lydia
Ben and Timothy
The whole gang - John, Becky, Paul

Lydia, Sammy, Ben, Timothy, Maisie, David, and Maria

I was standing in the road taking the picture :-) Kids only

Our friends were kind enough to put us up for the weekend - just being at their house made us happy!

John and Maria reading (well turning the pictures anyways...)

The boys again

I forgot how much fun it is feeding a baby!

David and Maisie

The girls too