Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy Birthday

Could it be, have I finally figured out how to upload video? Wish I could say I figured it out just since this last one was shot but sadly I have been attempting this since summer when Sam got the flip. Technology is not my strong point but I will keep working on it.

Enjoy - Here is the Dec Birthday's after a day at Monkey Joe's
Fiona, Jack, Delaney, Lisa, Sammy, and Maisie are here

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sweet Home Chicago

Dear Chicago,
We have missed you dearly and are so glad to be home!
The Zinks
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Captain Maisie

Maisie on her mission to space at the Adler Planatarium.
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Mad Science

No, not mad science - yummy science. Here is Sammy trying out the cotton candy machine from Aunt Chriss. Not sure what the goggle are for, maybe flying sugar?
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