This about sums it up. Sammy came in to wake me at 6:45 - she was dressed, hair styled, teeth brushed, and ready to go with her back pack on. Ben well.... I think the picture tells it all.
We spent the last day of summer vacation at Legoland with the kids' friends: Nessah, Izzy, Sera, Joy, and Jacob. You can see from the pictures, everyone had a great time. It is amazing all of the work that goes into the structures at Legoland - the kids can't believe someone gets to design & put them together FOR A JOB! It lets them know that being a grownup might not be ALL bad.
We had a little good bye party - everyone had fun even though it was to say goodbye. There was trading in the crawl space (which has never been empty) and 4 square in the basement along with FIGHT CLUB. It was quite the night, we even had a pinata.