Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ben's BIrthday Party

Here are some of the pics from Ben's party last month, we aren't sure how they got overlooked! It was a great day. Here he is with his good friend Jackson H

The Girls

Sammy was finally able to meet the twins this week - here they are; they are beautiful and are the sweetest little things. All they did was sleep for our visit even though there was quite a bit of noise... we can't wait to see them grow into wild little girls like their big sister Fiona and big Cousin Maisie!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Great Day = Bad Pictures

Well Grandpa is going to be getting an award for patience! He and I brought Ben, Sam, Maisie, and Jackson to a kid's fishing Derby at the Forest Preserve over the weekend. We actually fished for about an hour and a half (in Zkid time this is very long!). We had one catch but it wasn't the Derby's biggest. Maisie pulled in a 3 and a half inch sunfish. In the fisherwoman's words "it was as big as my chin". Unfortunately he was measured and tanked before we could get a picture of the proud little girl with her fish (typical fishing yarn I know).

The kids are enjoying lots of time with their cousin Jackson who is now big brother to Fiona (1) and Delaney and McKenna (two week old twins). As much as he loves his twins, I think Jackson is enjoying time with his big cousins.

For those of you who haven't heard, we aren't going to be here in Illinois much longer. John has taken a job in Vermont. He left last week and we'll soon follow, as soon as someone buys the house.

If you know anyone looking for a house be sure to tell them about a beautiful house that is for sale in Winfield.... It has great neighbors, an excellent library close by, and the best friends that anyone could ask for a stone's throw away.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Lincoln Park Zoo

My class took a field trip to the Lincoln Park Zoo. We split up into groups and in my group there were four kids and two adults. We saw seals - we named the two seals Lucille and Sealie. We saw a very tall giraffe and a sleeping leopard. Most of the cats in the cat house were pacing around in their cages. I think it was because they wanted to get out and make a run for it. We saw a zebra standing on his hind legs to get leafs off of a tall tree. We also saw a zebra with brown stripes instead of black stripes. It was cool to see so many animals that we had learned about during our Africa unit in school. I had fun on the field trip with my friends.


Brookfield Zoo